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April 12, 2014

Our trip to Belize happened to coincide with Carnaval. All right, actually, we specifically booked it so we’d be in San Pedro on Fat Tuesday. Carnaval in a Latin America? You’re probably thinking of music, dancing, and drag queens. Right you are.

April 10, 2014

With its mucky beaches and mangy stray dogs, San Pedro wasn’t put on this earth for tourists seeking pristine white sands. This place is all about diving.

April 5, 2014

“I had a dream of San Pedro…” Yup, this is that San Pedro, the one Madonna dreamed about in 1987. We split our Belize trip down the middle, opting to spend half our time on the mainland (Mayan ruins!) and half on the island of Ambergris Caye (scuba diving!).

March 26, 2014

You can check out Cahal Pech and Xunantunich and be back in your hammock sipping a Cuba libre by lunchtime. Visiting Caracol, on the other hand, takes commitment.

March 20, 2014

Preparing for our two-week trip to Belize involved a new wrinkle that we haven’t encountered in years. What to do with the dog.

February 24, 2014

Whew! The blizzard of Prague/Dresden posts from the past is at an end, and we’re beginning a new adventure in the present: Karen and I are seeking warmer climes for two weeks in Belize.