Based on our experience traveling for almost nine months, we have conclusively identified the Most Popular Song In The World.
We heard it in Australia and New Zealand and Thailand and India. In taxis and buses and hotel lobbies and a Chinese IMAX theater. We’ve heard the Mexican version, the Muzak version, and a live band version. Plus, a 10-year-old Nepali boy insisted on singing it to us.
Take a guess: what is the Most Popular Song In The World? It’s a song most of you have heard… but not as often as we’ve heard it.
A fabulous cash prize will be awarded for the first correct answer posted here or on Facebook! What’s your guess?
something by David Hasselhof
or a personal favorite of mine, “Bust a Move”
Happy Birthday to You!
I need a hint. Or hints.
I’m gonna go with Happy Birthday.
I hope it’s “Dancing Queen”!
Rocket Man, Elton John (well, I hear the Muzak version a lot) :)
I second that emotion, Maria.
Party Rock Anthem?
I’m going with “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”
It’s gotta be the movie theme to Titanic.
(or the theme to Grease as my scone guess)
Gotta love those scone guesses
Mmm… scones.
Great guesses- some pretty darn close- but no winner yet…
Bohemian Rhapsody?
If it’s not “Party Rock Anthem” as Colleen said, I’m going with “Moves like Jagger” or an oldie like “Kung Fu Fighting”
It’s a small world after all
Hound Dog – Elvis Presley
The guesses are getting warmer. It’s a pop/rock song created decades ago by a rock group. The group still tours occasionally. One more round of hints coming, and then I’ll reveal The Most Popular Song In The World!
You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
Livin on a Prayer, Born in the USA
Good Vibrations?
Don’t Stop Believin’ — Journey! I was at Jimmy John’s the other day waiting for my sub (yes they were slow that day) and this song came on. It was HILARIOUS to see how everybody who came in the store and behind the counter was doing something related to the song. tapping a finger, mouthing the words…one customer did an air guitar — this song gets EVERYBODY going whether you want to admit it or not.
Is the cash prize Lao money?
Hotel California by the Eagles
Stairway to Heaven by the Led Zepplin
Imagine by John Lennon?
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!